I'd feed her porridge sometimes mid morning and I might have given her a few spoonfuls of baby food here and there. So as of this week, we're getting in a nice routine, porridge for breakfast, home made purée for lunch and a bottle at night. I'll also be giving her milk in the day just less oz than normal.
I bought a hand blender last week, it's amazing! It's so easy to blend up her food without having to get the big blender out and clean it all out afterwards.
I also have these little pots from tommee tippee they're brilliant they come in sets of 4 with a tray to hold them up in the freezer. I just spoon out her puréed food in to the pot and put it in the freezer. Then when I want to use it just put it in the microwave for about 10 seconds, Bam! Easy As Pie! (or purée in this case)
Up to now I've made her carrot purée and sweet potato purée! She loved both of them, I mixed a little of her milk up with it so it was more familiar. I also gave her a bit of banana purée from an upcoming recipe I'll be posting, but she wasn't keen on it! Infact all of the fruits I've tried her with she pulls her face at!
She's started doing this thing where if she doesn't like something she really purses her lips like a little old lady!
Also this week she's had cucumber slices which is one of her favourite, an asparagus stick, which took her a while to get used to but seemed to quite like, and a slice pineapple, which my dad gave her, I wasn't too sure because I get lumps on the roof of my mouth with pineapple but Aria was fine, in fact she loved it! She even had a little paddy when Simon took it away from her. Obviously with the unpuréed food she doesn't eat the entire thing, she just likes to taste it. I'm not sure what I'll try next, I think maybe spinach or avocado.
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Enjoying a cheeky Milky Bar Button ^_^ |
She's still not liking water or juice, I got her some baby juice which isn't as tart, hoping she would like that but no still no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get her drinking water? I've tried in her normal milk bottle, a sippy cup, and even a spoon but she just spits it straight out again!
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